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Escalera Art Inc. was officially incorporated August 2003.

The founders; Laura Presutto, Rodolfo Escalera Jr., Roberto Escalera and Rachael Woods are all direct descendants of Rodolfo Escalera Sr. who’s artwork we are promoting. The company is made up exclusively of sons, daughters, grandchildren and in-laws.

Truly, a family owned and operated entity.

The idea of starting a company focused around an artists body of work was simply the result of all of us having grown up around something we knew was special. When our Patriarch passed away the majority of the work simply hung in most of our homes with the all too common comment from guests of “how amazing” the work was. We all came together one evening and agreed that we owed it to our fathers/grandfathers memory “to do something” and that began the long and arduous journey of learning an industry that really none of us knew anything about. 15 years later (and counting) we are still in an infancy state but learning everyday and as committed as ever to getting the Escalera brand into the mainstream marketplace.

History of
the Artist

For us this endeavor is largely fueled by a loved ones memory and the fact that the man had an unbelievable talent to paint that most could not replicate. The man was self-taught never having taken a formal lesson and to this day each one of us is still blown away by that fact. It only takes someone to stand in front of one of his significant originals to understand that statement! We believe the art world, as well as the world at large, needs to see this body of work.


It’s to that end that we exist.

Our Family

Our Memories

Our History


Why we'll never forget.

The                         Art Family

How they first met.

by Rudy Escalera Jr.

Love Story
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